Heart coherence, self love practices & personal development

February 2025 |  The Netherlands

Are you longing to be more heart centered? Unveiling the layers that are holding you back to not fully open into who you are? Feeling ready to connect and listen to the wisdom of your hearts-truth?

Step in the Immersion into Love and unlock the boundless possibilities that lie within your heart. This transformative journey invites you to peel back the layers of doubt and fear, revealing the radiant essence of who you are meant to be.

IMMERSE yourself

Are you yearning to cultivate a deeper connection with your heart? Do you find yourself navigating the layers that keep you from fully embracing your true self? Are you ready to tap into the wisdom and guidance of your heart’s inherent truth?

In the intensity of daily life, we often lose the awareness in our center and forget the essence of who we are.

This is an invitation to anchor yourself in your heart’s core, even amid the chaos. Can you transcend our thoughts, narratives, and belief systems to fully immerse yourself in the language of your heart? It’s time to stop holding back. Where can you surrender even more into presence, allowing for a profound connection with your heart-space?

Save space

The Immersion into Love offers a sanctuary where we can come together, to explore the greatness of our hearts. We’ll begin by tuning into our energy and the powerful force that breathes life into us. This journey will lead you into the deep- embodied experiences of authenticity and truth that resides within, empowering you to expand and heal together through conscious awareness.

Imagine a safe space where vulnerability is welcomed and you can openly express the longing of your heart without fear. Embrace this opportunity to uncover and nurture your heart’s desires. As we embark on this beautiful journey toward love, healing, and self-discovery.

– Peter Koumans –

I found it a fantastic four-day experience in beautiful Limburg, in a lovely location surrounded by nature. At the beginning, I was a bit apprehensive because I’m not a group person and it was all unfamiliar to me. What are we going to do for those four days? But the group turned out to be really great, and even though everyone was different, it just clicked wonderfully. I was pleasantly surprised by how vulnerable and open some participants were able to be.

The exercises were intense and sometimes pushed me out of my comfort zone, which allowed me to learn and integrate a lot of new things. The exercises that focused on releasing emotions and trauma supported me greatly and felt liberating. I really enjoyed the movement and dancing; it brought me a lot of fluidity, which allowed me to meet the moment in a fresh and open way. Everything was very well organized, keep it up, Florine! I am very grateful to have had you on my life’s path.

-Lisanne Goeman –
I experienced an amazing journey during the ‘Immersion of Love’ retreat. Sometimes we have to choose to walk up a steep hill or to courageously jump of the hill, even if it’s scary or hard. But my experience is that the love that is waiting for you in the end is breathtaking and so worth it! Florine, to me, is a beautiful guiding angel who creates a loving space where it feels safe to authentically express yourself and takes you – through sound, movement, touch and presence – on a journey Home.

Thank you so much dear Florine!


Start a transformative journey as we connect with the essence of our energy, expanding it deeply and authentically. Together, we will dive into breathwork, harnessing the power of intention and giving ourselves permission to explore the depths of our beliefs and traumas.

Through a combination of process work, emotional release techniques, and somatic movement, we will navigate through the mystical landscapes of our inner world.

To enhance this profound experience, we will engage in a self-love practice, which will guide you toward deeper embodiment. We will start this profound journey with a sacred heart-opening Cacao Ceremony, setting the tone for deep connection and vulnerability amongst all of us.

The Immersion into Love will start on Monday with a delicious diner and we will close the circle on Friday morning after breakfast. You are encouraged to take time and space for further self-integration, as this experience long for a loving spaciousness where you can simply be. This profound experience is open and welcoming everyone, regardless of your previous experience with healing modalities. Each person’s path is unique and this immersive journey offers a safe, nurturing space for exploration and growth.

Example of a day- program

  • Healthy & light breakfast
  • First group session
    • Journey into the openness of our heart through energy, the breath and group work
    • SAharing circle
  • Abundant lunch
  • Second group session
    • Somatic movement and dance
    • Heart awakening exercises
    • Self love practice
    • Partner work, deepening the experience
    • Sharing circle
  • Delicious dinner
  • Integration time – coming together or taking time alone to feel into what is alive and in movement or stillness
  • Slowing down into a nourishing sleep

– You will be guided through –

Heart Attunement

Life invites us to embrace a more mindful pace, encouraging us to slow down, soften, and fully immerse ourselves in the richness of embodied experiences. In our sessions, the primary focus will be on cultivating a profound connection with your heart-center, rather than forcefully activating the Kundalini energy. It is in this space of trust and surrender that you will find clarity and insight, bringing forth the light that has always resided within you. This sacred space within you serves as a gateway to the Source, where you can explore deeper levels of love, wisdom, and empowerment.

As we nurture this awareness, we embark on a gentle exploration of the lower three chakras, those foundational energy centers that embody our feminine energy. Here, we often encounter the layers of trauma, negative beliefs, and emotional blockages. Yet, within the same space, we also discover the wellspring of creativity, strength, authenticity, and life force energy that resides within us. By allowing this journey to unfold, you may find aspects of yourself begin to surface, inviting healing and integration

Breathwork and somatic healing

During our Breathwork sessions, we will collaboratively create a safe space for you to navigate through emotions, (blocked) energy, patterns, and (past) traumas. Trauma often arises when we endure experiences that our nervous system cannot fully process, whether too intense, too rapid, or prolonged. The echoes of these experiences—whether from this life or previous ones—reside within our physical and emotional bodies, lingering even as the conscious mind may forget.

A Breathwork session offers you a precious opportunity to gently unravel, let go of, or transform the defensive layers that may have formed over time. Breathwork invites you release these past experiences from your emotional and physical bodies. This integration process becomes a potent medicine for self-healing, paving the way for a renewed sense of wholeness and vitality.

Process guided work and tools

In this journey of personal transformation, we will explore a variety of practices and techniques designed to nurture emotional release and foster vibrational alignment.

Somatic movement connects us directly with our nervous system, helping to unravel the tension and pain often rooted in past traumas, limiting beliefs, and unhealthy patterns. By tuning into our bodies and cultivating awareness, we can gently guide our nervous system back to a state of calm and serenity.

These transformative tools not only promote healing but also empower us to embrace a deeper connection with ourselves, facilitating a profound shift in our emotional and physical well-being. Together, we will embark on a journey of self-exploration and liberation, rediscovering the joy and freedom that arises when we honor our feelings and embody our authentic selves.

The power of the group

As we embark on these profound journeys together, we often seek moments of exclusivity and intimacy, feeling the weight of solitude in our unique experiences. Yet, over time, I’ve come to realize that this journey is not one we walk alone. We are intertwined, bound by the shared threads of our vulnerabilities and joys. Here, in this sacred space, let us set aside judgment and embrace the boundless love that unites us.

I invite you to dive deep into the transformative power of connection—where sharing becomes a source of strength and being witnessed brings us closer to ourselves and each other. Trust in the support of the universe, and know that as we gather as a collective, we are here to illuminate your path. Are you ready to take this leap?

The location

The Immersion into Love, will be held in a beautiful sanctuary surrounded by nature in Limburg, the South of Holland.

It’s the perfect place to recharge, rejuvenate and integrate. All while being surrounded by a green garden and a spacious house where everyone can have their own space. There is also a beautifully and spacious living room to integrate all the transformation we go through during the immersion and connect with one another. Let yourself be nurtured!

Now more than ever before, we need space to step outside of the world, to nourish and heal


The investment includes 5 days/4 nights staying in a beautiful house, serving delicious fresh vegetarian/vegan food. 

All group workshops and Q&A to support your process. The group will be exclusive and intimate. Last but not least, an unforgettable experience that will change your life

The investment in a beautiful shared room with ensuite bathroom (2 persons) is € 995*

– The investment in a beautiful single room with ensuite bathroom (1 person) is € 1485* (only 2 available) 

* On request you can receive an invoice to declare against your company’s training and/or education budget.

** Payment plans are possible on request.


About Florine as a facilitator

Florine Gabriel (NL) embodies a deep commitment to the values of awakening and integrated connectedness. She holds a profound belief in the wisdom of the divine, which becomes available to all of us when we open our hearts and cultivate trust and faith in ourselfs.

Throughout her extensive career, Florine has engaged in numerous training’s focused on self-development, transformation, and effective communication. She places a significant emphasis on voice work and somatic embodiment, recognizing the incredible power inherent in one’s authentic voice and the profound depth of integrated embodiment. Ready more about Florine at the ‘about’ page. 

Want to join or plan a call

Please send me a message.